4 Tips to “Go” Find a Seasonal Job

The holiday season is just around the corner. If you want to raise some cash by getting a seasonal job, the clock is ticking. Retailers, restaurants, and local businesses are already in the hiring mode. Now is the time to get going if you want to land that seasonal job to pay for holiday gifts, cover some extra expenditures, or save for a great vacation or holiday getaway. Here are a few tips to help you effectively hunt for a seasonal job.

1. “Go” Online

Visit the careers websites of major retailers, shipping companies, and other businesses online to see if they are hiring seasonal staff. Shipping companies such as United Parcel Service (UPS), the United States Post Office (USPS), and FedEx experience an upsurge in shipments and usually require much more staff for adequate coverage and to meet shipping deadlines.

Some companies have dedicated events focused on hiring for the holidays. For instance, Macy’s is hosting a National Holiday Hiring Event at various locations. Don’t forget to check out available home-based seasonal jobs at Amazon. Submit your resume and cover letter and follow-up with a phone call. Persistence pays off!

2. “Go” Show Your Face

Finding a job opportunity online and applying should not stop your hunt. Applying online may be easier, but you might not get the result you want. Consider getting dressed – professionally, showing up to the business locations, and introducing yourself as a candidate for employment. Also, consider the holiday events being held around your community. Hosting organizations, such as hotels and banquet halls, usually require employees at every level, from recruiters to event managers and chefs, to prepare, coordinate, and even recruit staff for holiday events.

Showing up will help you stand out of the black hole of online applications and resumes received during seasonal hiring periods. Remember, first impressions could make the difference between getting the job or not. During her teen years, I encouraged my daughter to show up in addition to applying online while job hunting. Her actions paid off and she landed her first paying job.

Showing up works! Don’t forget to dress appropriately and bring printed copies of your professionally written resume.

3. “Go” With Flexibility

Many businesses usually host longer business hours to accommodate double or triple increases in customers, shopping, and production. Hours could vary from early morning to late evenings and weekends. Remaining open and flexible with your scheduling availability will likely position you to be a great fit for a seasonal job.

4. “Go” Use Your Network

Working your personal connections is a great way to truncate your job hunt and find a seasonal job much quicker. Many jobs get filled before they are even advertised. Ask your network about any opportunities that may be coming up but are not yet advertised. That seasonal job may actually become a year-round full-time or part-time opportunity, or you just may find yourself pursuing a new career opportunity with a new company. So, before throwing away that invitation to the class reunion, homecoming, or next Meetup group, be sure to cultivate your existing connections, continuously make new ones, and go use your network!

So, before throwing away that invitation to the class reunion, homecoming, or next Meetup group, be sure to cultivate your existing connections, continuously make new ones, and go use your network!


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